The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide is Canada’s most trusted cost valuation tool for estimating the replacement cost of agricultural buildings and farm as well as estimating the Actual Cash Value and depreciation of these agricultural-use structures. Trusted by industry professionals in Canada, the Douglas Agricultural building Cost Guide aims to help accurately estimate livestock barn and farm structure rebuild cost based on current Canadian research and industry findings.

Canadian Agricultural Farm Building Valuation Tool

The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide has been developed over the past 15 years as a source to assist in estimating the Replacement Cost New of a wide variety of agricultural buildings, including:

Construction Cost Calculation Tool for Agricultural Buildings

The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide is a trusted agricultural replacement cost estimator tool, intended to assist in estimating the rebuild cost of agricultural structures for purposes such as:

The developer of the cost guide, Karl Douglas, has been involved in the estimating and appraisal / evaluation of agricultural use buildings and properties for over 25 years.

Insurance Building Replacement Cost Estimator

The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide is a trusted agricultural replacement cost estimator tool, intended to assist in estimating the rebuild cost of agricultural structures for purposes such as:

  • Assisting with insurance coverage recommendations
  • Assisting with the settlement of insurance claims
  • Financial management
  • Accounting functions
  • Budgeting for new construction
  • Assisting with obtaining financing
  • Assisting in the settlement of disputes / litigation
  • Assisting with appraisal valuations of agricultural structures

Accurately Estimate the Rebuild Cost of a Farm Structure or Agricultural Building

  • The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide combines actual agricultural construction costs, estimates of agricultural occupancies and construction cost resources for farm structures to provide accurate calculations.
  • The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide uses a rate per square foot as a base cost and applies adjustments to reflect unique features.
  • Developed over the last 15 years, the Agricultural Building Cost Guide features data compiled from around the country.
  • The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide includes resources to factor in physical depreciation to accurately estimate the Actual Cash Value/ Depreciated Value of a farm structure.
  • The Agricultural Cost Guide features location adjustment factors as required, to allow for variances between construction costs across all provinces.
  • To support the unique construction of certain farm buildings, the Agricultural Cost Guide features adjustments to represent these unique elements.

Trusted by Farming & Agriculture Industry Professionals

The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide has been the trusted tool for evaluating farm buildings, replacement costs and is used by insurance agents, brokers, underwriters, loss-prevention inspectors, and real estate appraisers across Canada. It is also a trusted resource used by Revenue Canada, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (Ontario), and Canadian Financial Institutions.

Online Agricultural Rebuild Cost Evaluation Tool

To better serve our clients, the Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide is only available online. Our web-based evaluation tool is updated regularly as new costing data becomes available.

Canadian Choice for Estimating Agricultural Replacement Cost

Trust the go-to solution for estimating replacement cost for farm buildings and structures. Get the expertise and industry knowledge from the industry’s most trusted agricultural rebuild cost valuation tool.

The intent of the Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide is to provide the user with a tool for making general estimates of replacement costs for specific agricultural use buildings. Each cost estimate must be considered in light of actual conditions encountered as of each specific date and structure being valued. This cost guide is not to be construed as a substitute for a detailed evaluation or quantity survey where more specific detail and / or data is required. Click here to read the full disclaimer.

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