Agricultural Cost Guide

Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide

The Douglas Agricultural Cost Guide has been developed over the past 15 years as both a manual and an online version to assist in estimating the Replacement Cost New of a wide variety of agricultural use buildings. The costing data is a compilation of actual construction costs, various estimates for agricultural use buildings, and other construction cost sources.  As of 2024, our cost guides are only available online.

Only available for Canadian locations.

Agricultural Cost Guide Packages

One credit can be used for one location with unlimited buildings. Credits do not expire and are non-refundable.

Single Credit Plan

Purchase up to 10 credits for New and to Unlock assessments in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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Agricultural Plan 10

10 credits to use in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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Agricultural Plan 25

25 credits to use in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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Agricultural Plan 50

50 credits to use in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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Agricultural Plan 100

100 credits to use in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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Agricultural Plan 250

250 credits to use in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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Agricultural Plan 500

500 credits to use in the DCG Agricultural Cost Guide.

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